28. November 2015

Green heart

The member of TRAKT, Štefan Oliš, took part in August at international workshop in France. Together with other participants (Matej Ivan, Linda Van Dalen, Chris Kirchnerová, […]
25. January 2016


Interventions 2014 event is cyclical, annual improvements examination fine art interventions in the public space, of which the first edition was held in 2012. The event […]
28. November 2015

Competition of Photography and Film 2014

After year competition of photography and short films for students abroad with Slovak language of education took again place in Banská Bystrica. Winners were invated for […]
25. January 2016

Santa Claus sleigh

Christmas interactive projection for children, prepared a civic association composed TRAKT Lukas Matejka, Pavol Soukal and Denis Matus for the Christmas market in 2014 on Peace […]
25. January 2016

Interactivity in art and design

Interactivity in art and design is currently taking shape as a trendy thing. At the invitation MgA. Jakub Hrdina and MgA. Ondrej Puchta of Tomas Bata […]
25. January 2016

Happy audio

Happy innovative project concept in audio Stefan Olis (TRAKT), Pavol Soukal (TRAKT) and Lukáš Matejka (TRAKT) takes place as a side event at the Mirror Hall […]
25. January 2016

Workshop Activities intermedia

TRAKT prepared at the festival ARTORIUM 2014 in Banska Bystrica (the Faculty of Dramatic Arts – Academy of Arts) Another workshop focused on new media art. […]
28. November 2015

Taste W.

The connection of the word „ochutnávka“ („taste“) and letter „V“ in the title of the exhibition suggest wine tasting, to which is all concept based.  Classic […]
22. January 2016

Workshop Fine Arts Department of Photography

After almost two years are door of the training center of creativity and concentration at Academy of Fine Arts in Kremnica open again. Reconstruction of areas […]
28. November 2015

Crisis, mind mapping

The last weekend of July (26th to 29th of July 2014) was TRAKT one of the partner organizations in Bialystok, Poland. As part of the workshop […]
28. November 2015

Light camp

On the July 15th – 20th there was the first year of Light camp in Trebišov. It is an art symposium focused at lighting and intermedia […]
28. November 2015

About the Valentine, the water man

The dominant od the Stur´s Square is the statue of sprite – water man Valentine. He was part of the performance of itinerant theater in the […]
TRAKT is civil association which is focused on activities related to video-art, projection mapping, digital art, installation intervetions into public space. Main aim of TRAKT’s projects is to initiates unusual projects by using current language and collaborate in wide range creative projects.
We are trying to transfer knowledge among different creative media and conceived in terms of developing country where new media art is currently not widely available. Our goal is to build conception of connecting new art forms and people.

Projection mapping

The projected visuals creates the illusion of eye deception, simulating collapsed buildings, reshaping the architecture plays with the audience and creates in it unique visual experience a new kind of art which picture effects in onjunction with produce music in the viewer an emotional experience.

Interactive art

Interesting installation or an interactive game which is folded from a variety of objects, subjects projections. Why interaction? It encourages the viewer to share, which is actively pursuing the tasks for which they are rewarded. While having fun not only themselves but also uninvolved bystanders.


We realize, collaborate and participates in many workshops within creative creativity and creative industries. Education does not have to be boring. We like new forms, interactive entertainment, multi-genre overlaps and inter-generational linking of course.


TRAKT as an organization since its inception stands on the pillars of volunteering. Members of the association are often a Radio into the activities of the association volunteers have the opportunity to directly participate in various projects. The motivation of volunteers is also a good feeling to acquire new experiences, skills and knowledge.

years with you


cities and villages we formed


completed projects