film production

It is film production (as well as a set of created films), but also this concept includes activities and a system of financial and organizational security for the production and production of film work.

19. April 2021

Ipanema / short feature film

Students of audiovisual production are preparing a new short feature film entitled Ipanema which tells a parallel story about two young people. The main character is […]
8. April 2021

Film workshop 2

TRAKT citizens association has already organized a second workshop dedicated to film. The students at the School of Applied Arts in Trenčín studied the ins and […]
21. November 2019

Young filmmakers visited Trenčín

Project Film workshop was realized in Trenčín and its surroundings. Throughout the week was filming a movie called Night News. Daniela Slávikova’s work was also attended […]
26. January 2019

Santa Lucia

Santa Lucia is a boarding boat that has been stuck in a loop of time. Its two inhabitants, bartender Krištof and dancer Tereza, are waiting in […]