Mysterious Levoca 2019

Park camp 6

Levoča summer is traditionally rich in cultural and social events. After the popular Levočská pilgrimage at the beginning of the summer holidays, locals, but not only them, can prepare for the next upcoming event. Every year the town pays tribute to the phenomenal work of the carpenter from Levoča, the altar in the Basilica of Sts. James. The City Cultural Center in Levoča, under the leadership of its director, Zuzana Kamenická, covers the preparations every year and takes over the patronage of this grand event, which is traditionally attended by thousands of visitors. Otherwise it will not be this summer and the celebration will culminate in the form of the festival Mysterious Levoca 2019.

TRAKT will present a project triptych in the form of video mapping at the Town Hall, interactive project “Levočské graffiti” and last but not least a magical laser harp at the event from 16th to 17th August 2019. Spectators are therefore looking forward to.