Interactive holographic display prepared by the civic association composed TRAKT Pavol Soukal and Mgr. art Lukas Matejka in collaboration with the studio Industrial Design Faculty of Multimedia Communications of Tomas Bata University in Zlín (MgA. Jakub Hrdina and MgA. Ondrěj Puchta) at the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the studio. In the Monday, January 19, 2015 took place the opening of the library UTB (U13 building). The exhibition was dedicated to two important personalities – Dr. academic sculptures. Bořek Zeman (1950 – 2014) and the founder and long-time Head of Studio prof. academic sculptures. Pavel Škarka (1942 – 2014).
Holography preparation preceded the lecture Interactivity in art and design, which was prepared by a practical demonstration of holographic projection and test interactive controls using the device Kinect. A spectator at the show you could move your right hand to rotate 3D models ready studio. Applause was able to change models and become familiar with the choice of work over the 15 year life of Industrial Design. How it all seemed to learn our video.