art intervention

Art intervention is an interaction with a previously existing artwork, audience, venue/space or situation. It has the auspice of conceptual art and is commonly a form of performance art. It is associated with the Viennese Actionists, the Dada movement and Neo-Dadaists. Stuckists have made extensive use of it to affect perceptions of artworks they oppose and as a protest against existing interventions.

Intervention can also refer to art which enters a situation outside the art world in an attempt to change the existing conditions there. For example, intervention art may attempt to change economic or political situations, or may attempt to make people aware of a condition that they previously had no knowledge of. Since these goals mean that intervention art necessarily addresses and engages with the public, some artists call their work “public interventions.”

28. November 2015

Light camp

On the July 15th – 20th there was the first year of Light camp in Trebišov. It is an art symposium focused at lighting and intermedia […]
28. November 2015

Workshop W1

W1 Workshop was held in Uhrovec – Striebornica. The aim of the workshop is to broaden participants’ horizons and show the possibility of cooperative activities and […]
28. November 2015


The artistic intervention, or double-installation in Banská Bystrica and Zvolen, will interconnect via webcam to streaming video image in real time, which will be broadcast on […]
27. November 2015


Second year of the festival of art called cementÁrtňa will take place on 25th of June 2010, again in the former freight cement-station on Kostiviarska road […]
27. November 2015


PERFORM ACTION – Minifest of the Action art and performances in Banská Bystrica (Slovak National Uprising Square and Cinema “Star”) happened on May 19th, 2010. Students […]
27. November 2015


The ArtBus is an exhibition in public transport in Banská Bystrica and Trenčín. The ArtBus presents art projects in an untraditional space – in movable bus. […]