Santa Claus sleigh

Interactivity in art and design
Interactive holography

Christmas interactive projection for children, prepared a civic association composed TRAKT Lukas Matejka, Pavol Soukal and Denis Matus for the Christmas market in 2014 on Peace Square in Trenčín. Large-scale digital signage on city tower got playful shape in the form of an interactive steering wheel that was made at University Tomas Bata in Zlín at the Studio of Industrial Design (Jakub Hrdina and Ondrej Puchta). With a lightweight wheel that resembled a real steering wheel of a car children can “drive” reindeer harness. Christmas Market called “magic of Christmas under the castle” during the 20 and 21 December 2014 turned into a crowd of children who enjoyed the unusual Christmas experience in the public space of Trenčín. About how it really looked, it will learn in the next video.