O opátovi Štefanovi

Night tours of Strečno Castle 2017
Date: 30/06/2017 - 01/07/2017
Year: 2017
City: Trencin
Tags: digital art , holography , open air , projection , public space , theater
Download: Mapa podujatia
City Trenčín
Lukáš Matejka
Pavol Soukal
Štefan Oliš
Andrej Danóczi
Agentúra KVART
Born to Trick
Dobrovoľný hasičský zbor Opatová

The fourth continuation of the nightly open air event The Stories from Trenčín on June 30 and July 1, 2017 offers a story about the unusual confessor Matúš Čák. Legend About Stephen’s Opate, he played on the island of Trencin. At 11 locations, airborne and terrestrial acrobats, artists not only in the air and on the ground, but also on water, light and fire theater, as well as the unique projection – wall water holography from the workshop of TRAKT artists. In addition to our artistic performances, the audience presented the Vertigo acrobatic-dance group, the Hector fencing group, the folk ensemble Čajka, the trenčianski freeruneri Born to Trick. Vlado Kulisek is the author of the story.