Earth: from traditional art to new media

Cursed master of Váh and the Tatras
Just ask her
Date: 01/07/2021 - 30/04/2022
Year: 2021
City: Banska Bystrica Prague
Tags: 3Ds , digital art , new media , performance
Mária Júdová Tichá
Slovak Arts Council
Ivana Mer
Katarína Caková
Daniela Danielis
Soňa Ferienčíková

The interdisciplinary project Earth builds on the interaction of several artistic fields. It is based on Ivana Mer’s album “Earth” (which was nominated for the Radio Head Awards as the album of the year in the world music folk category) and develops it further. Visual artist Mária Júdová created stunning video projections, artist Katarína Caková created a special scenography, the hand-woven costume is from the workshop of Daniela Danielis WNOOZOW, and the choreographer Soňa Ferienčíková took care of the movement preparation. The blurred boundaries between the genres thus become even more fluid, so that the viewer is carried away by the current into the surprising and remote corners of a unique musical and visual universe.

Focusing on the changes we are going through as humanity, but also about the deep essences we have in common as humanity, this interdisciplinary project aims to to pass on the call of the Earth for change and for a more conscious approach to it as well as to ourselves. Project is an ode to nature, the call for empathy, and a change in our behavior. 

Earth premiere:

22.04.2022 Palác Akropolis, Prague

23.04.2022 Sharpe festival, Bratislava 

We celebrated International Earth Day with this unique interdisciplinary performance, which also featured special guests- including violinist and singer Nina Rosa, percussionist Miloš Vacík and musician Bára Zmeková.

The project was supported by the Slovak arts council.