Consciousness and subconscious – about their interaction, observation, possibilities, advantages or also the problems that their acceptance and research can cause. Are the accessibility of the unconscious and the free agency of consciousness determined by each individual’s moral and ethical principles/attitudes? Or do we consider it just a dream statement to which we do not attach any significance.
Choreography and interpretation by Lucia Bielik, Michaela Šeligová
Music: Jozef Smutný, Ján Gonda
Visualization: Tibor Meliš, Katarína Pavelková
Projection: Lukáš Matejka
Lighting design: Andrej Fábik
Premiere: 17.8.2021
Reprise of Consciousness in the Brezno Synagogue took place 27.9.2022
Supported from public funds by the Art Support Fund.