Ma bisteren! Memorial Day of the Roma Holocaust

The Tap Tap with Kilometer Dance
Trenčín candidate European Capitals of Culture 2026
Date: 02/08/2020 - 02/08/2020
Year: 2020
City: Banska Bystrica
Tags: installation art , music , projection
Lukáš Matejka
Múzeum SNP v Banskej Bystrici
Úrad splnomocnenca vlády SR pre rómske komunity
In minorita

At the beginning of August, every year we commemorate one of the dark chapters of our history – the Roma Holocaust. He was as cruel and insane as the Holocaust of the Jewish population. This Nazi extermination of races and nations must remain forever in the memory of humanity so that it can never happen again in the future.

The memory with the cultural program directed by David Tišer took place on August 2, 2020 from 12:00 in the premises of the SNP Museum in Banská Bystrica. During a week during her visit to the Banská Bystrica region, President Zuzana Čaputová came to honor the memory of the victims of the Roma Holocaust. On Sunday, the citizens commemorated the Roma Holocaust Memorial Day with the participation of Prime Minister Igor Matovič, Minister of the Interior Roman Mikulec, Government Plenipotentiary for the Roma Community Andrey Bučková, Deputy Prime Minister Jakub Gajdošík and other guests.

The program also included a digital projection with the names of the victims of the Roma Holocaust in the entrance hall on the SNP sign. The new projection from the TRAKT workshop was prepared and realized by digital artist Lukáš Matejka.