Earth tour in Spain

Night of ghosts, pumpkins and ghouls
Reprisals of Radoslav Piovarči’s works
Date: 27/11/2022 - 01/12/2022
Year: 2022
City: Barcelona Getxo Mojácar
Tags: digital art , ecology , intermedia art , music , new media
Ivana Mer
Nina Marinová
Bára Zmeková

After the successful creation and presentation of the interdisciplinary work “Earth: from traditional art to new media”, the authors Ivana Mer, Mária Júdová, Nina Marinová and Bára Zmeková are carrying out an international mobility in Spain. The authors will focus on crossing the boundaries between visual art, new technologies, music and traditional art.

The aim of the project is to offer creators the opportunity to be inspired, to confront other creative industries and to make meaningful connections with professionals across sectors. Strengthening existing relationships and creating new ones is important.

27.11.2022 Getxo, Utopian Getxo
30.11.2022 Barcelona, Soda Acústic
01.12.2022 Mojacar, Fundación Valparaíso

Presentations supported by public funding from the Fund for the Promotion of the Arts. Thank you.