Slovakia, as the only country in Central Europe, does not have a comprehensive art festival for children and adolescents. Often live events where children may be in close contact with art for the first time and touch it differently than they know from school. In addition, in recent years, children have left their artistic hobbies and exchanged them for first-time computer and internet entertainment. Although art gradually becomes less popular among children, it is still possible to engage them. However, it is necessary to get closer to their understanding of art, contemporary languages of cultural and artistic genres that have entered the forefront of the past years.
The Multi-Genre FESTIVAL in Trenčín deals with artistic and creative activities. Its ambition is to offer a full – fledged edu – cational – entertainment program that will not only entertain and teach children in a modern way. The festival’s priority is to create a concept in which educators and educators work together to educate children and youth. As the young spectator is overwhelmed by information, the main idea of the Children’s Festival is to teach art through experience and emotion. It is also necessary to take care of the diversity and at the same time to bring to the viewer what is right for them right now and what is interesting for that age.